Monday, July 19, 2010

Riverbank Baptisms

A crowd of over a hundred strong gathered last evening on the banks of the Juniata River to witness the baptisms of Emily Foltz, Susan Bailey, Meaghan Mills, and Maggi Bailey. With only minor prompting from me, the crowd cheered wildly and loudly every time Derek and I lifted one from beneath the waters. The sounds rivaled those heard at sporting events.

I woke up early yesterday morning with one thought, "I get to baptize people today!" Baptism never get old. It's one way I know the church is succeeding in its efforts to connect the Gospel with people. All heaven had to be stoked last night as each lady shared her story of the difference Christ has made in her life. Maggie acknowledged a new peace in her life. Susan has realized God's real companionship despite real loss. Meaghan championed God's help as she overcame some significant problems.

Eight-year old Emily had this to say,

"Throughout my life, I have learned about God at church, during Sunday school and at home with my parents. I believe there is only one God and he sent his son, Jesus, to earth. I have read how wonderful he is in the Bible. Because he died for me to get rid of my sins, I have decided to follow him. I decided to get baptized today because Jesus is my Lord and I want to trust him with the rest of my life!"

Attagirl, Emily! And, congratulations to Susan, Meaghan, and Maggi. Your decisions to follow Christ will never be a disappointment. Devonshire is so proud to be part of your lives and grateful that God has used our lives to encourage you in some significant way.

Stay tuned to DevonshireDiaries as a pictures will be posted soon.

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