Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wonderfully Made, Terribly Fallen

As a pastor, I am reminded nearly every day that I work with people who are not perfect. They are Christians, but they are not perfect. I call them "brother" and "sister," but they are far from perfect. What is more, I am reminded every day that I'm not perfect.

In a sense, this is bad news...and, good news.

I came across a quote I received while doing some graduate work that really solidified in my mind who I am...who we are as Christians: We are wonderfully made, yet terribly fallen.

Do you ever wonder why you do things that you don't want to do? It's because you are wonderfully made, yet terribly fallen. Do you ever wonder why you don't do things that you desperately want to do? It's because you are wonderfully made, yet terribly fallen. Don't worry. You're in good company with Saint Paul (Romans 7) and a host of saints that have gone before you and now exist in heaven as a "great cloud of witnesses" (Hebrews 12:1) to cheer you on.

Listen, as Christians, each of us has the potential for for greatness within us. We also have the potential for rotteness. The difference is found in your humility to obey the Spirit of God who resides within you. You see, as my friend Gary Thomas says, "Our life is not meant to be perfect, but we are meant to trust the One who is" (Authentic Faith, Zondervan). The greatness I recommend to you is the greatness that God brings out in and through you to the world around you.

What do you need to submit to God in order to realize greatness today?

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