Thursday, October 1, 2009

Life...It's All About the Shoes

I officiated a funeral the other day. Troy was 44 and larger than life, both in his big 6'3"/300+ lbs frame and his heart. God gave him a large body to house his huge heart for people. Many great things were said about Troy. Funny things. Sad things. Memorable things. But it was the funeral director's words that have stuck with me. Here's what she said (my paraphrase, except for the last line) as she came to the podium to close the service.

"You all came here today to celebrate the life of a man who lived only a short time on this earth. He is home now. It serves to remind us and make us think that life is short. None of us are promised another moment. We never know when our next moment might be our last. So, if you need to tell someone that you love them, then do it. If you need to forgive someone, then go forgive them. If you need to thank someone, then when you leave here today, go thank them. Because when you put your shoes on in the morning, you never know who might take them off at night."

I loved her sentiments. So, take her advice. Go live them in light of the fact that tomorrow might be too late. As a good friend of mine said to me today, "Go out with your boots on."

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